Ketagihan Spritzer Melampau

gua sedang dalam ketagihan yang teruk.sebelum tidur..gua mesti mau. bangun tido..gua mesti mau. bangun sahur..gua mesti mau. drive jauh..gua mesti mau. berbuka puasa..ok..gua pilih laicikang.
tadi secara tak sengaja gua surf website dia.nak gak tahu apa jenis dadah dia taruk dalam isipadu air tu. maklumlah mak gua bising bab-bab dadah ni. so gua kenalah bebas dadah.
Each bottle of packed mineral water is extracted from an aquifer located over 400 feet deep underground in the tropical rainforest. Every effort has been made to ensure the quality of the water. The Spritzer Group has pioneered conservation measures to ensure that its water sources are not polluted. Their water source and surrounding rainforest has been designated a private protected reserve.

The water extracted from the aquifer contains a healthy balance of beneficial trace minerals. Naturally filtered through the long distance and a variety of rock strata, the water is naturally rich in minerals, in particular Orthosilicic Acid (OSA).

The full range of Spritzer bottled water encompasses natural mineral water, sparkling natural mineral water, distilled drinking water, carbonated fruit flavoured drink, non-carbonated fruit flavoured drink and functional water. Spritzer advocates, "Not all bottled waters are the same." For the protection of our customers and in line with the Malaysian Food Act and Regulation, Spritzer bottled waters are clearly distinguished by their caps - white for drinking water and assorted colored for natural mineral water.
ok..kompem bebas dadah. banyak lagi produk diaorang sebenarnya. SPRITZER SPARKLING. SPRITZER + FIBER. SPRITZER POP. TINGE. tapi yang gua suka satu benda ni..FREE DELIVERY SPRITZER. servis ni macam cool je..

amacam? suka tak?
air kena cukup dalam badan beb..biar buncit air halal macam ni dari buncit air kencing setan.

buncit air sexy kan you?